Thursday, February 19, 2009

Suits - Why you Should Wear Them

I have failed to understand the logic of casual Friday. In fact, I do not understand why men think that not wearing a suit to the office is somehow more comfortable than wearing a suit.
Not only are suits incredibly comfortable, but they project an image of importance. If more people wore suits, I am confident that crime would drop by a minimum of 9.2%. It has been scientifically proven that casual Fridays are the leading cause of teenage pregnancy.
More suits, fewer teenage mothers and less crime. That is why you should wear a suit.


  1. John you are a weirdo. I love that tomorrow is a casual friday, and I am confident me wearing jeans will not cause any additional teenage pregnancy.

  2. My "security" word was troop. That makes me happy because I am a dork - troop = true out of pocket, that is part d speak.

  3. Who is buying all these suits for people who can't afford them? Lets just make all people wear suits. Maybe crime will just disappear if we all dress alike. Oh yeah,I think that has all ready been tried in other countries. I don't know where i am going with this, John just confuses me some times. As long as Kassie is all ready pregant, i guess we should let her wear her jeans on casual friday. It is not like she forgot to take a pill.

  4. In North Korea where most everybody dresses alike, there are very few if any reports of crime. Therefore, it would follow logically that if everyone wore suits, crime would drop.

  5. i'll believe you once you show me proof that casual Fridays and teen pregnancy is related.

  6. It is pretty obvious, as the trend towards casaul Fridays increased in the 1970s, so did teenage pregnancy. Clearly related.
